Kari-Tek Products

01292 811 955



Kari-Tek Products FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Kari-Tek roof racks, trailers and storage.

We use Aluminium which is anodised. This is used for its strength / lightweight / durability / ascetics. This is our own extrusion (design) – cannot be purchased anywhere else. Components are also Alum and Anodised. Stainless Steel A2 fixings are used through out to prevent rust.

We use virgin grade polypropylene plastic (which is highly resilient to wear and tear and super flexible). This allows the cradle to bend to the boat and not the other way about. High Density Foam is used to protect the boat to be carried and marine grade adhesive used to join the two components together. This prevents damage occurring to the boats when being strapped on or in transport.

Yes, it is possible to fit other manufacturers cradles to our roof racks / rails. It may need a small alteration, but customer must check their warranty on the other cradles before making any alterations. We can try and advise them.

We will quote a price to you upon order receipt. Uncertainty in the worldwide markers for commodities is very volatile across the board which can make producing annual RRP challenging.

Kari-Tek Products are renowned for being strong and durable and should last 20 years, subject to being well maintained and used correctly by the owner / user(s).

Leisure – The system is very versatile and can be used to carry a variety of loads for most all outdoor adventure and water sports equipment.

Commercial – There is a commercial version, used across a verity of industries with Roofers, Plumbers, Joiners Steel erectors, telecom’s, Satellite dish installers to name but a few. Using the Easy load Roof Rack correctly will reduce the risk of injuries (back / shoulders / neck) Using the ELRR is about technique and not physical strength.

If anything was to go wrong – customers must contact us. Full description and photos would be required for us to assess the issue. We can replace any component on the system individually. If a component is found to be damaged (wear & tear / damaged by mis-use ) we would ask that it be sent back to us to be investigated. This allows us to contact suppliers if any part is found to be faulty.

It is about technique and not strength or power.

  • When using the ELRR system there are 2 parts to the lift.
  • Part 1) lifting the load from the ground onto the ELRR.
  • Part 2) lifting the ELRR up on to the roof.
  • There is a compromise, the higher up on the system the load is secured / fitted into cradles etc – the lift is the easier the part 2 lift will be.
  • The positioning of the load brackets is important.
  • Part 1, lift  the load on to the brackets or cradles and secure load.
  • Part 2, to carry out the second part of the lift, holding the lift handle in both hands and keeping your back straight using correct lifting procedure (bend your knees and look straight ahead) pull the ELRR away from the side of the vehicle.
  • Do this by stepping back and straightening your legs at the same time, raising your hands to your chest height, (You do not want to lift your hands any higher) at this point using your leg muscles step forward and push.
  • The ELRR carriage will slide up on to the roof, as soon as the load reaches the point of balance the carriage will drop onto the base rail and will easily slide home, place in the locking pins.
  • Finally always check the locking pins are in correctly and ensure the rood rack system in secure (you can do this by giving it a gentle tug)
  • The ELRR has a clever way of utilising part of the load to aid the lifting of the full load, (example loading 4 Kayaks).
  • Load the highest two cradles with 2 Kayaks first making sure they are securely tied or strapped on.
  • Lift the carriage on to the roof place fully.
  • Slot the counterbalance locking pins through the counter balance holes in the sides of the carriage making sure that the holes have gone past the rollers on the roller head bracket.
  • Now bring the carriage back down to the side of the vehicle, the 2 kayaks already loaded will be above the pivot point.
  • Load the second to kayaks and secure, when you now come to lift the ELRR the first 2 kayaks will act as a counterbalance weight to help with the second 2 kayaks, slide the rack home place the locking pins.
  • Check the roof rack.
  • Finally always check the locking pins are in correctly and ensure the rood rack system in secure (you can do this by giving it a gentle tug).
  • We recommend regular maintenance to ensure your system runs smoothly. This should be carried out approximately every 3 months or more often depending on the usage.
  • Checking all components for wear or damage.
  • Check the runners for debris clean and lubricate.
  • Once a year the ELRR should be removed from the vehicle.
  • Clean all parts with hot soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
  • Lubricate the roller head and the channel runners with Chain lubricant (only a very small amount required) wipe off any excess.

3 to 5 working days for roof racks.
Approximately 4 weeks for Hi-Lifts.

Yes you can. At present all fittings have to be done in Scotland at our Ayrshire workshop.

We will help you and advise what size you need. To make a purchase the customer needs to contact use ideally by email with answers to a few questions (see ordering a Roof Rack System). If you are not sure about any of the answers please feel free to contact us by phone or email and we will do our best to help you answer anything you are unsure about.

  1. What do you want to carry on your roof?
    (i.e. Quantity and type of craft or equipment).
  2. Is your vehicle suitable to carry the load?
    (check vehicle roof weight capacity).
  3. Cars:
    What type of roof rack is currently available for your type of vehicle
    ( i.e. cross bars or manufacture’s roof rails & cross bars).
  4. Vans:
    most vans have manufacturer’s mounting points – does your van have these? Vans with T track roof rails are the easiest to fit too.

All our products are compatible to vehicles with T Track roof rails.
We can supply T track roof rails if your vehicle does not have T Tracks fitted.
If unsure feel free to contact us- we may ask you to send us a photograph or two)

3 kayaks or 1 Canoe – 1300
4 kayaks or I Canoe & Kayak – 1600  If cockle shelling 2 canoes
2 Canoes 1800 – (overhang width is legal, but the driver needs to be comfortable driving with a side over hang.)

Up to 4 kayaks with a 1600 size or 5 kayaks on an 1800 size,  a combination of Kayaks and canoes can also be carried.

Any vehicle over 2.2 metre high would require a Hi-lift due to the height of the vehicle and the weight of the load. The hi-lift roof rack is restricted to caring a maximum of 3 Kayaks or 1 Canoe.

Many other different types of craft can be carried and Kari-Tek products will be happy to advise.

The Hi-lift is made bespoke to vehicle as obstructions on the roof all have to be considered i.e. satellite dishes / Ariel’s / vents / roof lights etc). We have a dimension sheet on the website for customers to complete so that we can advise where necessary.