Kari-Tek Products

01292 811 955


Legislation and Regulations

Applicable Legislation & Regulations for Trailers


Kari-Tek trailers are manufactured in accordance with the UK Road Vehicles.

Road Vehicles are governed by legislation under:

“The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986”, plus any subsequent additions or amendments.

It is illegal to tow a trailer that is over the permissible gross train weight of the towing vehicle.

Key Points

When towing a trailer there are 2 key points to be aware of:

  1. Trailers Gross trailer weight GTW (or Gross Vehicle Mass GVM) – this is the total weight of the trailer and its permissible load. This information is found on the Trailer VIN plate.
  2. Vehicle gross train weight –  this is the weight of a vehicle its permissible load and the GTW added together. This information is found on the Vehicle VIN plate.

Can I tow that trailer?

It is entirely your responsibility and therefore important that you understand any limitations as to what you can tow.

If you are in doubt or unsure of what you can legally tow (and what you can tow with) using the driving licence you have, ensure to contact the DVLA or visit the DVLA website for information.

Kari-Tek Products and Teal are unable to advise you on this matter.

There is plenty of information available here.